



1) Please Briefly Introduce Youself
2) Why do you select this job?
3) What crisis did you face? How did you solve it?
4) What do you expect in this job?
5) How long do you think you need to become manager?
6) What is your strength and weakness?
7) Why did you quit your last job? Why would you change your job?
8) Why should I hire you?
9) Is it OK for you to deduct $500 from your expect salary? (Optional Question)
10)Any Question?

1) Please Briefly Introduce Youself

Answer: First, start with your name and education background, if you had summer job, please state. Secondly introduce your recent job only. Thirdly, your strength and hobby. You have to write it down and memorize it.

2) Why do you select this job?

Answer: You have to do some research on this company and the job nature. If you do not have any experience with it, you can say you have always want to join this industry and company, you have great interest about it and you are willing to learn and take any part-time course that helps you to do this job better. Just show your passion.

3) What crisis did you face? How did you solve it?

Answer: It can be a real case in school project and past job experience or just a make up story by your own imagination. However, it has to be touching, personal and the crisis is solved by you only. In this case or story, please show your skill and product knowledge about the job. It would be meaning less if the crisis is too hard too be solved.

4) What do you expect in this job?

Answer: You can expect not only learn things from the job but also contribute to the company and expect some challenge and team work within the department.

5) How long do you think you need to become manager?

Answer: The safest way to answer is 8 to 10 years.

6) What is your strength and weakness?

Answer: For me, I would say my customer service skills are strong, e.g. Willing to listen, provide what the client need and suggest the right solution. My computer skill is strong. I had help the company to design a poster just by Power Point and Word without using Photoshop. (Because they do't have Photoshop) My English skill is strong too. Co-worker would give their minutes for me to proof-read before hand it to manager.

Do not make your weakness looks big! For me, I would say that when I train new staff, I always use technical word instead of simple word. Therefore, new staff would take longer time to learn, but in this case, I have also show that I have ability and experience to train people.

7) Why did you quit your last job? Why would you change your job?

Answer: Do not bad month any company that you have worked for. You would ruin your interview. Your precious time and transportation fee would be wasted if you say anything bad about your employer.

Just say you want to change your working industry, or working environment and you want to take a new challenge. Just keep it short and simple. They can challenge you no more if you just keep it simple and clean.

8) Why should I hire you?

Answer: It is very simple! Just repeat to explain your strength, interest and working experience. For better performance, please give example to show your passion.

9) Is it OK for you to deduct $500 from your expect salary? (Optional Question)

Answer: This is the question that was asked because your expect salary is too high or the company has no hope. Do not agree with it even you want the job real bad. It would just make you look cheap and more work load and you will end up changing your job within one year. Go look for job that give employee benefit and reasonable salary.

For example, If A earns $28,000 per month and B earns $30,000per month, with the same job title, regardless of their performance and experience, B would get his promotion first.

10) Any questions?

Answer: Please say yes just to show your interest in this job. Ask about what the career path is or how long for you to get to management level. Just to show your passion. Questions like salary, working hour and benefit should not be asked until they hired you.
